Somerset Wivenhoe Fish Stocking Assn

Making a Better Fishery Future

Our Aims

  • Restocking native fish for a better fishing future.
  • Restore Cod populations in local waterways to 50% of pre-European populations.
  • Restore / improve riparian vegetation for fish habitat.
  • Provide / enhance in water fish habitat.

Our History

SWFSA began in 1988 & was originally known as the Brisbane Valley Fish Management Committee.
To date we have released in excess of 10 Million native fish into local waterways.


Our members are a mix of recreational anglers, local Govt representatives, local business owners and concerned members of the community.


Under the Queensland Government Recreational Fish Enhancement Program, fish management groups were formed throughout the state to develop and manage recreational fisheries in the lakes and waterways in their geographical region, with Australian native fish.

In 1989 our group was formed & originally called the Brisbane Valley Fish Management Committee (BVFMC).

Responsible for restocking native fish for the greater Brisbane Valley region which encompasses Lakes Wivenhoe and Somerset as well as the Brisbane, Stanley & Bremer Rivers and their tributaries as well as O’Rielly’s Weir on Lockyer Creek.
We were also originally responsible for the management of the mid-Brisbane River (from Lake Wivenhoe downstream to Mt. Crosby Wier), but has given this area over to the Brisbane Valley Anglers – Fishing / Restocking Club.
BVFMC was re-named to the Someret & Wivenhoe Fish Stocking Assn (SWFSA) to better describe the main efforts undertaken by the group.
SWFSA has also absorbed the Atkinsons Lagoon Fishstocking Assn (ALFA) to streamline restocking efforts in the region.

In 2020 SWFSA initiated the Brisbane River Cod Recovery Strategy to “Bring Back The Bumgur”

Our association is a community based organisation consisting of local council representatives, business owners, representatives from various local fishing clubs, individual anglers, conservationists and interested members of the public.

SWFSA, working with the Queensland Fisheries Department and the South East Qld Water Corporation (SEQWater) aim to promote freshwater fishing as a recreational past-time and to ensure a continuous supply of native freshwater fish for present and future generations in the South East Queensland.
Our fund raising activities range from fishing seminars to raffles and art unions. We rely on donations from various clubs and tournaments to augment grants from Stocked Impountment Permit.

For 15 years SWFSA ran the annual Kirkleagh Klassic Family Fishing Competition which in it’s day was one of the largest fishing competitions in Australia with up to 8000 people in attendance.
SWFSA is an incorporated assn under the Associations Incorporation Act INC IA06186
SWFSA Constitution

What We Do

We have several on-going projects that you can get involved with.

Fisheries Enhancement

Each year we release hundreds of thousands of suitable native fish fingerlings into Lakes Somerset & Wivenhoe. Primarily these are Australian Bass & Golden Perch.
This improves recreational fishing opportunities for the general community. These fingerlings can grow to several kilograms in weight and play a part in controlling introduced pest fish species.

Riparian Vegetation

SWFSA members grow & plant suitable native trees to replenish riparian vegetation along rivers & creeks.
Trees help to hold riverbanks together and help to stop erosion as well as providing critical shade over the water which helps native fish species such as Cod & Bass.

Fish Habitat

The extinction of the Brisbane River Cod coincided with the loss of vast areas of riparian vegetation being clear felled. These trees would once provide a steady supply of hollow tree branches / trunks falling into the water.
Our native cod species rely on woody debris for habitat and hollow logs for spawning sites.
Working with land owners & local Government Authorities, SWFSA are replacing hollow logs & pipes into local waterways to provide suitable spawning sites for endangered Cod.

Research & Monitoring

SWSFA members regularly conduct monitoring of our waterways & fish populations using citizen science and our own monitoring apps.
We also engage electrofishing research teams to provide scientific data on our native fish populations.

Brisbane River Cod Recovery Project

On-going restocking of endangered Mary River Cod fingerlings to replace the now extinct Brisbane River Cod. This project is aimed to replace the native fish apex predator back into the SE Qld waterways to restore the natural balance. It is hoped that these cod will eventually reproduce on thier own to form self-sustaining populations.

Aquatic Plants

To support Healthy Land and Water & SEQWater, SWFSA help to grow Vallisneria (aquatic plant) for replanting into local waterways.
Also commonly called Eel Grass, this plant is critical as a food source to the threatened Lungfish as well as a preferred media for their egg laying as well as providing habitat for other juvenile fish species.

Community Engagement

SWSFA members regularly attend appropriate events to engage with the community to:

  • promote our various projects
  • recruit new volunteers
  • to diseminate information relating to
    • native fish
    • freshwater habitat &
    • conservation.

How You Can Help

There are several ways you can help us.

Become A Member

Attend meetings & other activities

Fingerling Releases

Come along to public fingerling releases.


Make a donation to SWFSA to help us put more fish back in the water.


Enter your fishing catch data into our monitoring app HERE>>>

Fishing Permit

Make sure your Stocked Impoundment Permit (SIPS) is up to date. Everyone 18 years of age & older is required to have one when fishing on Lakes Somerset & Wivenhoe. Get a Fishing Permit HERE>>>

Destroy Pest Fish

If you catch any Tilapia, Carp or Pearl Cichlids in any waterway please humanely kill them and place in bins around the lakes or bury them above the high water mark. Do not return them to the water, even if they’re dead.

Cans For Cod

If You are doing the right thing by recycling your cans & bottles – why not go one better by nominating your cash to buying cod. Just quote our number C10393454

Every $5 buys 4 Cod to help restore the Cod in the Brisbane, Stanley & Bremer River catchments.

Contact Us

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Brisbane River Cod Recovery Strategy

SWFSA stock Mary River Cod into several rivers & creeks in South East Queensland as part of the Brisbane River Cod Recovery Project.

Each year cod fingerlings are released into selected locations with a hope that this species can re-establish a self-sustaining population.
SWFSA acknowledge the Ipswich City Council, the Somerset Regional Council, Scenic Rim Regional Council, CleanCo & the Queensland Government for their on-going support.






Benefits of Fish Restocking

SWFSA stock several native fish species under a permit from Queensland Fisheries. The benefits of native fish restocking include:

Improved recreational fishing opportunities

Pest / noxious fish control

Species Recovery - Mary River Cod

Improved water quality

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I buy fingerlings from SWFSA?

No. We do not breed fish. We purchase native fingerlings in bulk from commercial fish hatcheries for release into local waterways.

Do I need a fishing permit?

Everyone that is 18 years of age and older requires a Stocked Impoundment Permit (SIP) to fish at Lakes Somerset & Wivenhoe.
Funds from this permit go directly back to restocking our great lakes.
You can buy these on-line at the following link. HERE>>>

Where & When do SWFSA meet?

SWFSA generally meet on the third Wednesday of each month at the Fernvale. Check our social media for updates.

Are Mary River Cod protected?

Mary River Cod are fully protected in all rivers & creeks where they are found. The only exceptions are in listed stocked lakes where cod are less likely to be able to breed. However we recommend that ALL cod be released immediately keeping the fish in the water at all times while unhooking. Lifting them from the water, even briefly can damage internal organs leading to a slow death in coming days.

Cans For Cod

If You are doing the right thing by recycling your cans & bottles – why not go one better by nominating your cash to buying cod. Just quote our number C10393454

Every $5 buys 4 Cod to help restore the Cod in the Brisbane, Stanley & Bremer River catchments.

Project Boat

Australian Bass, Golden Perch, Fish, Fishing, Wivenhoe Dam, Lake Wivenhoe, Somerset Dam, Lake Somerset, Boat, Boating, Boat ramp, map, Silver Perch, Mary River Cod, Brisbane River Cod, Saratoga, Bumgur, Somerset Regional Council, Ipswich City Council, Emu Creek, Cooyar Creek, Monsidale Creek, Atkinsons Lagoon, Lockyer Creek, Bremer River, Warrill Creek, Berrys Lagoon Weir, SEQWater, Atkinsons Dam, FFSAQ, Brisbane Valley, Brisbane River, Stanley River, Scenic Rim Regional Council, McCauley Weir, O’Riellys Weir, Yellowbelly, Fisheries Management, Monitoring, science, education, Environment, Reynolds Creek, Fresh water, restocking, conservation, Queensland, Qld, Australia, native fish creek river lake dam stream waterway